Graphic of friendly people waving.

Do you think in unconventional ways? Do you feel intensely curious, but find it difficult to explore enough to satisfy your curiosity?

Perhaps - like us - it’s not a question of thinking outside of the box, but a question of not seeing the boxes in the first place.

Curious Being is a place to develop and express what makes you truly exceptional. It’s not about having a diagnosis or specific labels. It’s about wanting to make the most of who you are, including the bits that don’t meet conventional expectations. About exploring what it is to be both different and successful in all that matters to you.

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What is Curious Being?

Curious Being is a space to express and develop our curious nature and explore with others who feel similarly.

This means being in a community where being fully you is not only tolerated but welcomed, and where you don’t have to pretend you’re something you’re not.

Some things to do within Curious Being:

  • Be valued and welcomed for who you are - Connect with people who experience the world more like you so you don’t have to second-guess yourself all the time.
  • Engage with the things that matter most - Find, share and explore ideas, interests and issues with others who are equally passionate.
  • Share knowledge and experience - Get and give support, tips and tricks to deal with barriers in life, and feeling supported.
  • Develop your exceptional skills - Use your unique talents to make meaningful change, in your personal life, your work, and in the world.
  • Have fun! - Be creative and playful in ways that you enjoy, with others who get it too. Enjoy being you!

Who Curious Being is for

Our community is made up of people who think beyond the conventional, and who feel differently to most around them. People who are intensely curious, and yet whose sensitivity to their surroundings can get in the way. People who don’t fit comfortably into boxes, or don’t even see the boxes in the first place!

Many people in the community identify as neurodivergent and have traits or diagnoses associated with conditions such as ASC, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and Tourette’s, and various mental health conditions. Whilst Curious Being isn’t exclusively for neurodivergent people, it is an inclusive space, which is designed to cater to our needs, and to give us the support we need to fully participate.

Why we started the community

Many of us have not had the opportunity to identify and develop our strengths. Conventional approaches have got us some of the way there, but not where we want to be. By embracing what makes us different we can feel more confident being us, and do what we want to do in the ways we want to do it. In doing so, we can unlock strengths that can make a real difference to us, those we care about, and to the world.

We (Matthew and Anita) started Curious Being are doing so because we both work with people who are curious, highly able, yet struggle to see and realise their full value. We both have lived experience in struggling to define ourselves according to conventional categories and of encountering the barriers that come with seeing the world differently.

How to join in

Our online space is held on Discord, and it’s how we’ll keep you up to date with our events. Click here to learn more about how to sign up and get started. Community member Anya explain why we use this platform in about 150 seconds:

Take your next step!

Calendar of Events

What’s next?

Curious Being is in its temporary home on Matthew’s website at the moment. As things develop it’ll move to its own space on the web.

Because we haven’t established a legal structure yet, you’ll also notice that payments and donations go through Matthew’s company, Meaningbit LTD. All revenue from these will go directly towards running and developing the community, it’s events, and content.

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